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NRC_CalibrationToolCoord_7Pos(int toolNum, NRC_Position& pos1, NRC_Position& pos2, NRC_Position& pos3, NRC_Position& pos4, NRC_Position& pos5, NRC_Position& pos6, NRC_Position& pos7)

Calibrate tool hand--7-point calibration

Automatically calculate the deviation of the tool end position relative to the robot end position, so as to determine the tool coordinate system


int =>Calibrate tool hand--7-point calibration

Return valueDescription
0The function is called successfully
-101Invalid input parameter
-102The target object does not exist. This typically occurs when the system initialization is incomplete, and calling other functions may return this value
-103The target object is currently in an inoperable state

Parameter Option

toolNumintThe number of the tool hand to be set, parameter range: 0 < toolNum < 10
pos1NRC_Position&A position where the tool end is aligned with a fixed tip and the tool hand is kept perpendicular
pos2NRC_Position&A position where the tool end is aligned with a fixed tip, it cannot be the same as pos1, pos3, and pos4
pos3NRC_Position&A position where the tool end is aligned with a fixed tip, it cannot be the same as pos1, pos2, and pos4
pos4NRC_Position&A position where the tool end is aligned with a fixed tip, it cannot be the same as pos1, pos2, and pos3
pos5NRC_Position&A position where the tool hand is kept perpendicular, it can be the same as pos1
pos6NRC_Position&A position on the positive X-axis relative to pos5
pos7NRC_Position&A position on the positive Y-axis relative to pos6

Sample code

int targetToolNum = 0;//0 <=targetToolNum < 10
NRC_Position pos1={NRC_MCS,395,-1.81881,594.958,3.07933,0.07355,0.098098};
NRC_Position pos2={NRC_MCS,339,19.981,594.958,3.14123,0.035271,0.075413};
NRC_Position pos3={NRC_MCS,361,45.9644,574.975,3.11503,0.06839,0.076293};
NRC_Position pos4={NRC_MCS,354,75.9478,600.958,3.11062,0.026388,0.141466};
NRC_Position pos5={NRC_MCS,395,-1.81881,594.958,3.07933,0.07355,0.098098};
NRC_Position pos6={NRC_MCS,332,-1.81886,594.958,3.07933,0.07355,0.098098};
NRC_Position pos7={NRC_MCS,332,27.7778,594.958,3.07933,0.073549,0.098098};
NRC_CalibrationToolCoord_7Pos(toolNum, pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4, pos5, pos6, pos7);